To the girl who’s finding her purpose after quitting her sport. Many of us have gone through orwill go through the heartbreak of a sport ending whether it’s from injury or just moving on toother things in life. You may be asking yourself, “well what now?” This was the exact question I was asking myself […]
“Does this change the way I view my parents’ marriage?” “Do I have to stop going to parties?” “Do I have to set boundaries with my boyfriend?” “Do I have to quit drinking and vaping?” “Are my political opinions going to change?” These are all questions that I asked myself almost immediately after I said […]
A reflection from a journal entry in 2019 🫶 “Today I am sitting back, puzzled, asking God, how did this happen? How did you know? And most importantly, when did you know? When did you know I was ready? It feels like yesterday I was hunched over in my parents bed in utter heartbreak, asking […]
I think it’s safe to say we all have “haters” in our lives. People that disagree with us, oppose us, question us, maybe even speak words or share actions against us. If you haven’t faced this yet, just wait, you will. How encouraging of me, right? However, I’m not wrong. Jesus warns us in this […]
Today I am sitting back, puzzled, asking God, how did this happen? How did you know? And most importantly, when did you know? When did you know I was ready? It feels like yesterday I was hunched over in my parents bed in utter heartbreak, asking if I’d ever meet another guy who could love […]