Have you ever said to yourself, “If I could do anything for the Kingdom of God, it  would be this!” Or have you ever felt a tug on your heart to go after something  and you find yourself thinking, “Yes! Someday I would love to do that!” If that’s  you, let me ask you why […]

October 22, 2024

Pursuing Your Purpose

My life has been marked by discomfort from a very young age. Some might say I was dealt a bad hand, maybe even “cursed.” But I see it differently—I was blessed. Even in my deepest discomfort, God always showed up.  When I was just one year old, my brother, in his playful excitement, accidentally jumped […]

October 7, 2024

Keep Me Uncomfortable

Over 20 years ago, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, forever altering thecourse of my life and posing an ongoing threat to my identity and confidence. Type 1Diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which your pancreas ceases to make insulin, avital hormone in your body that breaks down food and allows the proper amount […]

September 22, 2024

My disease is chronic, but His Word is eternal

“Does this change the way I view my parents’ marriage?” “Do I have to stop going to parties?” “Do I have to set boundaries with my boyfriend?” “Do I have to quit drinking and vaping?” “Are my political opinions going to change?” These are all questions that I asked myself almost immediately after I said […]

September 9, 2024

I’ve said yes to Jesus. Now what?

Late means you’ve arrived after the expected, proper, or usual time. Have you ever feltlike you were late to Christ? Ever felt like you had gone too much time without talking to him orgoing to church? Have you ever had the impression that if you didn’t grow up going to churchevery Sunday or read your […]

August 13, 2024

To the girl who feels “late” to the game

A reflection from a journal entry in 2019 🫶 “Today I am sitting back, puzzled, asking God, how did this happen? How did you know? And most importantly, when did you know? When did you know I was ready? It feels like yesterday I was hunched over in my parents bed in utter heartbreak, asking […]

July 28, 2024

Heartbreak Is One Thing – Jesus Is Another

Forgiveness is such an important concept, not only within Christian teachings but also in our personal lives. There are many verses that highlight its importance, from Ephesians 4:32’s call to “forgive one another as Christ forgave you” to the teachings in Matthew 6:14-15 that state, “if you forgive others, your Heavenly Father will also forgive […]

July 15, 2024

To The Girl Struggling To Forgive

When you hear the word “divorce,” what comes to mind? Maybe feelings of hurt, anger, and loss. Times of abrupt change. Memories of being put in the middle of situations you didn’t want to be in. Maybe empathy for a friend who has experienced these things. To the sister who relates to any of this, […]

July 2, 2024

Brokenness to Blessings: Navigating the Journey of Divorce

My Conversations with God: Age 13: “God, if you’re real, please make this sadness go away.” Age 18: “God, why do I wake up feeling sad every day while everyone else seems to feelnormal?” Age 20: “God, I have failed you. I am an imposter.” Age 22: “Lord, I choose you every day.” Growing up […]

June 18, 2024

Choosing Jesus EVERYDAY

I was in Homegoods one Friday afternoon, just trying to keep my mind occupied. I hadforced myself to take a bereavement day after too many near breakdowns at work theday before. I was in the cashier line when I saw them: a mother and daughter of petitestature who would’ve been my mother and grandmother’s ages. […]

June 3, 2024

Gut Punches and Deep Breaths