Loving the LGBTQ+ Community Like Jesus Would

  1. Ethan says:

    I really appreciate this, Marisol. I saw that Pride Month was coming and I thought, “Oh fercryinoutloud! Is there EVER a month when I’m not expected to think about your sex life?” I do not think of myself as anti-LGBetc., but I do get exhausted. Maybe I need to think of my exhaustion as a message from Jesus to represent him better when I run out of steam. You remind me that when Jesus healed anyone, he forgave their sins. He didn’t distinguish between the sins, because he didn’t care about that.

  2. Savonnah says:

    Time and time again I am in awe of how the Lord is using your story to impact the stories of others. This post is eloquent, convicting, and filled with needed reminders of the deep truths of the Gospel. Thank you for boldly encouraging us all to be ambassadors of Christ, “rooted in His radical love, prioritizing empathy, patience, and grace.” You inspire me, sweet friend!

  3. Mary says:

    Thank you, Marisol! Thank you for speaking of love instead of hate, including instead of excluding, and sharing light instead of darkness. You have shown me hope today! I love you!

  4. Karen May says:

    This is a very insightful and well written article. Coming from someone who has an inside view.
    You never cease to amaze me. We need to have a conversation about this subject sometime.
    Well done!!

  5. Paula says:

    Thank you Marisol for sharing your heart and personal insights that have both challenged me and even convicted me. Your testimony is so powerful and I have no doubt will be used for His glory to bring both salvation and freedom! 💓🙌🏻

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