To the girl who feels “late” to the game

  1. Cathy says:

    Your transparency, courage, and vibrant love of your Savior shines thru this blog .
    He is using you and will continue to draw you onto Himself, His plan and His refinement for the rest of your days! For in His perfect timing He drew you to Himself, and we are the ones blessed to see you flourish!!
    Thank you for showing your scars and loving your Jesus!!

  2. Melissa Hocker says:

    Reading through this post with blurry eyes, I couldn’t help but smile BIG. God is SO good! I’ve prayed this for you as I did many of Shay’s friends and will be praying you forward! I grew up singing and praying, heck my first song I learned was Jesus Loves Me. I went to church on Sundays, Awana on Wednesdays, Youth groups on Thursdays, church camps, family camps, VBS, you name it… I was there. I was baptized as a young teen and rallied most of my friends into joining me. I can honestly say I have never not known or loved Jesus. Yet somewhere in between accepting Jesus and trying to fit into or measure up in this crazy world, I too found myself wandering in the wilderness. However, we have a God who not only loves us, but desires closeness with us. Jesus left the 99 for me, for you, and for so many others. You said it so perfectly; whether you grow up praising Jesus, practicing a religion, or not knowing a thing …. Praise God for never giving up and for His perfect timing. GCU is a perfect spot to keep you growing in faith!

  3. Maia J says:

    This made my heart so happy to see another Child affirm and become accepted into God’s eternal kingdom.
    I absolutely LOVE your perspective and am so happy you are transparent about your feelings of being “late-to-the-game”.
    As a Christian I want you to know I am rooting for you in every possible way-
    you’re amazing and I know that God has I know that God hasmany things in store for you.
    You have enlightened me into the feelings one may have when dedicating themself to Christ later in life- I will forever cherish the words you shared and take into account how overwhelming the feeling of accepting Christ can be sometimes.

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